Halloween Spooked Swim

What a fabulously fun evening! A warm and friendly welcome, fantastic spooky decorations and really fun swim introduction by the Ocean Walker Team. There was a safety briefing, swimming hats and light up tow floats were provided. The swim itself felt very safe with...

What an experience!

We had the best time on your moonlight swim. We’ve been a few times to the normal sessions and loved it but this full moon session was so special! I felt really proud of overcoming a bit of a fear of being not warm too…and it was brilliant! The water felt beautiful...

Night time swim

The full moon night swim was a lot of fun, and a different swimming experience. Really well organised which was very reassuring as it was very dark by the time we got out. We were blessed with good weather and the full moon briefly showed through the cloud. Looking...

blue moon night swim

brilliant as always, magical experience swimming in the dark, knowing that there are safety instructors out there on paddle boards that lurk up on you when you least expect it, 🙂 The moon was very clear in this location as the light pollution is virtually zero. there...