What our clients say

We get to meet so many incredible people through swimming and it is our honour and a pleasure to share our knowledge and passion in order to help others achieve their goals. The Ocean Walker Technique has become more than just a swim stroke, which is why we have created this page for YOU to share your Ocean Walker story with the rest of the World.

Steve Cooks Story

In 2015, 55 year old Steve Cook was just at the beginning of his new found passion for Ironman events, when a car collided with him from behind while out training on his bike. Steve almost died. With 22 broken bones and paralysed from the waist down, he was advised that he would never walk again.
Determined to find a way to get back into sport, Steve set his sight on swimming, but due to his legs dragging he couldn't manage a length without causing terrible pain to his shoulders. A Pull Buoy caused his back to cramp, and Steve was struggling to carry on. Then he read about Adam Walker and the Ocean Walker Technique he created. Feeling like this was his last chance, Steve contacted Adam and arranged for his first 5 hour session in Lincoln. In just one session, Steve got his legs up to the surface and into an efficient body position. He could swim a length without hurting his shoulders and there has been no stopping him ever since!

Find out what Steve has to say in his inspirational video interview

Trisha and Rachels Story

Mother and Daughter duo Trisha Harvey and Rachel Hughes became the first Mother and Daughter Relay team to swim the North Channel in July 2017 and we are honored to have been a part of it. British Iron-woman Champ Trisha, wanted a new challenge when her running was impaired through knee injury. She found Adam Walker and booked herself onto a Swim Camp to learn the Ocean Walker Technique, and found that she could push herself in a new direction, with the aim to swim a channel. Trisha and Rachel did just that, but not only one Channel, they swam both the North Channel, (Ireland to Scotland) and then the English Channel (England to France) in the same year! The challenge to swim a channel relay is tough as it is, but with a team of 2...swimming 2 hours non-stop each, was something else altogether. These two determined ladies absolutely cracked it and in doing so became the first Mother and Daughter (TEAM MAD) to do so!

Find out how Trisha and Rachel became World Record Holders in their video interview

Hannah Meyers Story

National swimmer Hannah tore both of her shoulders in college while trying to qualify for National Level Swim Meets.
The injury lead to loss of feeling in her hands and elbows as well as causing migraine headaches.
Hannah found out about the Ocean Walker Technique and during a trip to London, she arranged to come over and have some 1-1 training with Adam Walker in the pool. She couldn't swim 1 mile without suffering neck pain, but following 1 session with Adam, Hannah is happy to report that she is regularly swimming 5k+ with zero pain.

It's faster and more efficient than any other open water swim technique out there - plus it's applicable to longer distance pool swimming.

Watch Hannah's video interview to find out how she turned her swimming around following injury

He has worked miracles with me!

Due to an accident at work 3 years ago I’ve developed major back issues, and after numerous procedures, surgery etc it had stopped me swimming !!

I started hydrotherapy and swimming again but was in massive discomfort with my back and also shoulders !!!! So I decided to reach out to the swimming community and ask for advice ….. Adam contacted me and said he wanted to help, which was fantastic !!

I had a session with Adam at the beautiful Woodhall Spa , and what can I say ….. it was fabulous !!! Adam is so passionate about swimming and helping others in need, he’s a fantastic teacher and I couldn’t of wished for a better outcome !! He had me swimming with less strokes per length …… 16 seconds faster per length and more importantly ….. NO PAIN !!!!! I couldn’t believe it !!

I was in such a bad place physically and mentally before my lesson with Adam, he has worked miracles with me, and again I just want to say a massive thank you to Adam and Gemma, you guys have given me that second chance at swimming !!!

Never give up on your dreams !!
Thanks Jim

Jim Read

A terrific experience!

A one-to-one half day session with Adam was a terrific experience. Adam is a great coach and the video analysis is a good way to see what you’re going wrong, and when you get it right. I now feel that I have the tools to build the stroke that I want.
It was also a privilege to be taught by someone who’s at the very top of his sport and has completed a feat of endurance achieved by very few.

Andrew Pedder

One of the best days of my life!

Meeting Adam was a revelation! I had a 2 on 1 lesson with Adam and can easily call this one of the best days of my life!
I took up triathlon a year ago and wasn’t getting anywhere with my freestyle. Now, when I see “regular swimmers” it looks so “violent” and exhausting. So if what you’re doing is not working, do something else! I am so glad I did.

Heike Motzek

5 minutes quicker!

WOW! 1 week on from my first lesson, I’ve just done an Ironman distance training swim that was 5 minutes quicker than I’ve done this year! Equaled my fastest time ever and was SO EASY I could have happily carried on! Absolutely thrilled!

Simon Oldacre

I swim completely differently now!

After an ongoing shoulder injury I decided to try out Adam’s swim technique to see if that would help. I really enjoyed the 1:1 sessions and felt that I learnt a lot at a really good pace. I swim in a completely different manner now and with practice I am the same speed I was before but without risking hurting my shoulders again. Thank you Adam!

Sylvia Boker

I now swim in the fast lane!

The videos you supplied following the session are excellent and I have worked with them since. I now swim in the fast lane at my pool. Not because I want to swim fast but my OWT normal pace is too fast for the medium lane! At the age of 75 I get bemused looks at the turn as most are in their 20s/30s.

Bob Hodgetts

A Great Teacher

Adam is a terrific and patient teacher. I had two one-on-one sessions with him and also a group session. The OW stroke is worth persisting with and refining on your own – it has made my swimming far more efficient and enjoyable. I became confident enough to participate in a sponsored Swimathon (indoor) for charity, and now have my sights set on an open water equivalent. Thanks for your guidance and patience Adam, it made a huge difference for me.

Nick Achilleos

A great and unique swimming experience!

I had the opportunity to work with Adam for 3 days over his specific approach to comfortable, joyful, strong and effective swimming! I am thankful to Adam as I had the time to realise and discuss what are the hydrodynamic impacts of every part of the freestyle stroke! Genius indeed! Less than a week later I feel the ultimate gliding and fully comfortable to swim for more than 3 km without any feeling of fatigue to my shoulders! Mostly I feel that the water resistance is much lower than before which leads to faster and easier swimming! Thank you Adam!!!

Eugenia Giannini

I Cant Believe It

After seeing endless videos on instagram of Adam swimming using his own technique and the effortlessness plus the speed he was creating i thought i wanna piece of that. But still not being a 100% believer of how or if it really does work i decide to take the gamble and book onto a one day masterclass to see first hand how it works and whether it could work for me. Well what can i say after the masterclass i have never looked back, i am so glad that i chose to take the gamble. I cant wait to see what i can do in 2019 with this technique.

Simon Crouch

Southampton Follow up clinic

I went to my first clinic with Adam in April 2017. This was prompted by hearing him interviewed on radio about his developing a technique for endurance swimming having had shoulder surgery. I had begun open water swimming with a Triathlon club in 2015 but was struggling to do more than 500m because of chronic shoulder bursitis.
I learned the basics of the stroke but found it difficult to practice within my club sessions as the drills and the stroke were so different. As a result I found myself swimming a combination of what I was doing before and some of the Walker technique. I planned to attend another clinic in April 2018 but had to cancel, so booked onto the Southampton clinic in October 2018.
By then I had a lot more experience of open water swimming on my own. However I was still having flare ups of pain in my shoulder whenever I trained hard with my club.
At the clinic I realised that I was not swimming what I believed was the correct technique and would have to go back to basics. Having Adam and Gemma in the water with me and actually positioning me correctly was a huge help. The discussion afterwards while reviewing the morning’s filming was essential to my understanding of where I was going wrong. In the weeks that followed I practiced the drills in the slow lane and finally started to feel the timing and stages of the stroke coming together. In another week or so I’ll get some video done for feedback from Adam or Gemma.
Learning anything new takes time. Learning the Ocean Walker technique requires unlearning previous swimming experience before the new stroke can be embedded. It isnt enough to go to one clinic and go away and practice. Constant review and reinforcing by correct teaching – either by follow up clinics, 1:1, webinar or personal Skype sessions – is vital.
My current swimming target is to compete at distances of 2-3k in 2019 without pain.
In 2018 I managed a sea swim of 3k and several other competitive events from 750m to 2.5k without discomfort so I have no doubt that 2019 is going to be the year when I can say I am a fully fledged OW swimmer!

marian boyd

Fun, very professional… and moreover efficient! What else?

I started to learn swimming at 30 years old, and after 10 years of struggling, with so many and often opposite advices in different lessons/stages, I decided to make a trip to Lincoln for a 3 days 1 to 1 lessons. I have followed Adam’s Facebook for the last 2 years and have asked myself if it could apply to myself, as I am very stiff, not tall, with a very bad kick.

Adam is a very good teacher: He takes care of the details, adapts the gesture to yourself, your body, your capabilities. He is patient and tries to find out what is wrong, what can be improved. He is moreover friendly and makes the lesson enjoyable!

The methodology starts from the very beginning (basically how to float in the water) and goes through different stages with each time a new small step… until the full movement with the kick. It allowed me to integrate the different movements separately before to do it all together. Basically, this was the first time someone showed/explained me in such way!
The use of the camera is constant, which is very useful as you can see yourself, and correct immediately. In “usual” camp/lesson, you get a video at the beginning, and one at the end, which is really not sufficient to improve yourself quickly.

3 days allowed me to:
– get/understand/practice the drills, but also the full stroke & kick
– Feel myself in the water, understand what is wrong and what I have to correct
– So I can go on to improve at home with simple drills & feelings
– Reduce drastically my strokes numbers by keeping the same speed
– Change completely my style (that 1 lifeguard recognized the first time I went to the swimming pool at home!)

My plan is to continue to practice the drills & to swim very slowly (but hopefully correctly) during the next 2-3 months, before to work again on the duration & speed…

I definitively can advise to follow lessons with Adam, whatever your level is, as long as you agree to forget what you have learned until now and take time to work on the technique.

See you in a camp in the future Adam, I am sure about it!

Blaise Lugeon

You have reignited my passion for swimming

I’ve been swimming since i was a kid and doing triathlons since 2012. I needed something to help improve my stroke.
I found Adams workshop just what I needed. Adam’s passion, enthusiasm and helpfulness were brilliant. Totally worth the trip. The stroke is broken down into steps and he is in the water with you which was a first for me. This really shows his commitment to showing you the correct technique. I’m excited to see where this new stroke will take me. Already I can feel more power, control and relaxed in the water. You have reignited my passion for swimming. Thank you Adam

Deirdre Walsh

No more breastroke for me!

I’ve always struggled with front crawl and since taking up open water swimming I was keen to improve my endurance and technique. I came across the Ocean Walker Technique and knew this could be the answer. I attended a one day masterclass which introduced me to the 5 stages and a completely new way of swimming. I followed this up with a 1-1 lesson with Adam to continue on this journey. The video analysis is excellent feedback that I can keep referring to. I’ve practiced the 5 stages and full stroke and I’m already seeing huge improvements in my endurance and breathing. Adam coaches with great knowledge, passion and encouragement – don’t hesitate to book.


Mike’s Story

As a former Royal Marines Commando I wasn’t afraid of hard work and had always maintained a high level of personal fitness. Why then was it that I was left gasping after only a couple of lengths of the pool?
I knew I wanted to swim well but a few bad experiences with local coaches had made left me thinking swimming just wasn’t for me. Maybe I should stick to grappling and the weight room. I felt I owed it to myself to give it one more go in the water but knew that I needed to find the best out there, the best in the field, I felt after reading about his story that Adam was that person.
I was honest with Gemma about my concerns at committing yet more money to a project that until then had been nothing but negative but Gemma eventually gave me the reassurance that all would work out with Adam’s coaching.
I spent 6 hours in the pool over 2 days (definitely worth the extra day) and Adam worked with me on the Ocean Walker stroke. At the end of the 2 sessions I had shaved 2 seconds and 6 strokes off every length!
I worked hard over the following month doing the drills and feeling more comfortable in the water and with the stroke and a little over a month from the session I’d had with Adam I swam 1000m unbroken for the first time!
This experience has given me the confidence in my swimming, and the stroke, to continue to develop in the water and to work towards my dream of rowing the Atlantic Ocean in 2022. I’d set myself this personal goal prior to meeting Adam but had made a promise with myself that I wouldn’t sign up to the row (or tell anyone about it) until I could swim back to the boat (if the worst happened!!!)
So, thanks Adam for being such a great coach and inspiration to others. I am proof that with hard work and humbleness, anyone can become a competent swimmer using the Ocean Walker technique, even if your experiences before have been bad.
I really can’t tell you what a boost this has given to my training and plans for 2022!!


Swim with a bad technique and you will be practicing bad technique.

Adam demonstrated how I swam after he had got me to swim a length. He then demonstrated the Ocean Walker swim technique. We would meet once a week where Adam would identify my stroke issues. He would demonstrate swimming drills and expect me to practice these in my local pool before we met again. Many people had told me that I had a poor stroke (some had even said I had a good stroke!), but not many could tell me how to correct my stroke. Adam could. He can see what is wrong with your stroke then tell you how to correct it.

Apart from improving my stroke making me more efficient in the water, I think Adam and his technique has saved me from serious injury meaning I will be able to carry on swimming. I do not plough through the water doing 30 strokes per 25m any more, I now flow doing 20 strokes per 25m.

Garry Jackson