Although the moon didn’t make an appearance at the Moon rise swim the evening was still magical. I was a little apprehensive as it was my first swim in the lake but I needn’t have worried. The water was “warmish” at 19 degrees and very clean. We entered the lake wearing illuminated floats looking like large glow worms. Astro turf underfoot made it easy to get going and we were off. We swam clockwise from one end of the lake to the other around an island closely watched by two women, one in a kayak another on a paddle board. The pace was leisurely with no pressure to race. We could have exited at any point but it would have been squidgy underfoot if we needed to. I had bought a dry robe for after the event and was glad I did but one is not essential. There are plenty of changing rooms to dry off in afterwards but most donned dry robes and snuggled in them in the cafe whilst enjoying a post swim complimentary hot drink. There were some delicious cakes available to buy too.
The setting of the lake is beautiful surrounded by mature trees and well managed grounds. A truly magical experience Ihope to try a daytime swim soon.